Entitlement to a benefit during studies for single-parents

​A single-parent who receives either an income support benefit or a maintenance benefit can study in high school or in higher academy, and continue to receive the benefit during his studies.

In order to receive the benefit, you have to meet the following conditions:

  1. You have received an income support benefit or a maintenance benefit during 16 out of the 20 months preceding to the start of studies.
  2. Studies may be continued in high school or in an institution for higher education, beside master's degree or PhD studies.

If you meet above conditions, you can study and continue to receive a benefit during your studies for a period of 3 years (36 months).

Reporting to Employment Service

A single parent who attend academic studies - is exempted from reporting to Employment Service if he is studying 36 hours a week or if he is both studying and working 36 hours a week.

If studying hours are below 36 weekly hours and you must report to Employment Service - receiving the benefit during your studies is conditional on your reporting at the Bureau of Employment Service.